What I want from life

Man is a social bitch. At least men and women from twenty first century are social bitch. Its the society that dictates how you should breathe, how you should sneeze, how you should date, have sex, blah blah blah. You are so wired by the fucking norms of society that you just become a social bitch. Its the society that literally puts a collar on your neck and treats you like its own dog.

Is there a way out? I am looking for one, let me know if you have already found one; it will save my day.

What are the things that you want from yourself? What are the things that you want from others for yourself?? Be honest with your answers!

I saw a friend wearing a t-shirt which says "1000 dreams". I just wonder can I name 10 separate dreams for myself; I think its tough. How pity my life is!

Published at: 01/08/2011