Look Back 2009 and Wishlist 2010

The start of 2009 was terrific. I was running almost everywhere to save my dirty ass. Thanks to my Backbencher guys for not allowing me to stay another term in BUET!

In March we broke. Being tired of running for the last 5 years I decided to station myself at home.

April was good. I started for GRE with a high spirit ( this time I was prepared not to let it go again).

May and June were just afflictions. My days in AKG were kind of weird. I gathered both friends and enemy. Sleeping in a feet-wide cable ladder and burning under the sun were some unforgetteble events. I plan not to repeat the mistakes in my new job that I did here.

In June, out of nothing I got a project work. "Band of brothers" really did well there.

August was the month of reap. With a mixed feeling of confusion, fear and confidence, I entered AAA and the rest is still unbelievable to me!

In the rest months, apart from running( by which I lost 4K!) , I managed a decent TOEFL score, qualified for the BCS written and cracked IBA!!!

And just before the year was ending, I became an author of a conference paper.

Least But no the last, I was heart-broken time and time this year and I am still on run like Mr. Forest.

Wishlist 2010

  1. Make a good MS admission deal (I am waiting for this for a long time)
  2. Like 2009, I want to lose a few kilos.
  3. I want to get a good job.
  4. Want to attend the wedding of Shagor and Shakila
  5. Write a paper
  6. Have some quality holidays.
  7. Learn Sorod (Ayan and Aman are making me really obsessed about it)
  8. Learn cooking.
  9. Do some photography.
  10. Translate "The Last Lecture"
  11. Project MANG

And I want to continue enjoying my life more.

Published at: 01/01/2010